Title 1 reading is a supplemental program funded by an annual grant from the Federal government. Schools are allocated funds which are determined by the census, and by the Federal Free and Reduced Lunch program. The aim of our program is to provide students with targeted help in their areas of weakness, bringing their skills on par with their peers. Instruction occurs in small groups of 2-5 students, sometimes in the classroom or in the Title 1 classroom. Title 1 group time is designed so students do not miss any classroom instruction.
This year the primary focus of Title 1 will be to provide support in reading in grades 1-4. The Title 2 teacher will provide service for the students either in small pull-out groups or in the general ed classroom.
The Power Hour program is also partially funded by the Title 1 grant.
Title 1 Files & Notices
Mrs. Fontaine Interventionist [email protected]
Mrs. Kady Reading Specialist [email protected]