School Board Goals


Chester School Board


Jonathan Eckerman, Chair; Sabrina Harris, Vice Chair; Kristina Bickford; Chris Kozura; Joe DeNenno

The Chester School Board (CSB) meets annually in August to complete a self-evaluation, review progress toward previous goals, review stakeholder feedback, and set Board Goals for the upcoming school year.

The Board is committed to the following Goals and Actions this year.


The Board strives to develop and revise Board Policies in curriculum and instruction (Section I of the policy manual) that reflect the evolving needs of teachers and students in our collective pursuit of growth and achievement for ALL learners.


a. The Board will create a subcommittee of Board members to review Policy Manual Section I: Instruction and recommend updates and revisions for at least 25% of the policies in that section.

b. The Board will collaborate with administration and teachers as they consider policy revisions. 


The Board aims to increase family/parental engagement and partnerships to foster collaborative and trusting relationships. The Board will target a small change to demonstrate its commitment to involving parents in the decision making process.


a. The Board will survey parents regarding budgetary support for co-curricular programming.  Budgetary allocations for co-curricular programming in the 2024-2025 Budget will reflect parent input.


The Board aims to increase teacher wellness and job satisfaction resulting in improved teacher retention.


a. The Board will include teachers in the process of evaluating and revising Instructional Policies.

b. The Board will schedule 2 “Meet and Greet” events this year to garner teacher input; one at the beginning of the school year,. and one at the end.

c. The Board will continue to recognize staff excellence through Cougar Kudos at faculty meetings.

d. Enter into discussion with CEA and CESPA leadership to collaborate to develop approaches for staff retention.


The Board will develop a 10-year Capital Improvement Plan (per 2023 HB 355 which amends RSA 198:15a V), and maintain communication and opportunities for community input and questions including the Budget Development Process. 


a. The Board will evaluate the capital needs of the district at their September 13, 2023 School Board Workshop.

b. The Board will hold a virtual meeting to share the 10-year plan.